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Friday, September 24, 2021

September updates, 2021

September 2021 (Fall)

Redford 1
Hannah is 26.

As her third school year approaches, Hannah is getting ready for the first day of school by planning some lessons. This year she will be teaching third and fourth grade at Camden Elementary and she couldn't be more excited.

As any teacher knows, the first week of school can be overwhelming and exhausting. But that didn't stop Hannah when her best friend Sierra called her up asking if she'd like to head downtown on a double date. Hannah is desperately seeking love and jumped at the opportunity to possibly meet her soulmate.

The evening was off to a great start, dinner and drinks at Rodney's Hideout - one of the most popular spots in downtown Arlington. Hannah had the chef salad, as she's trying to drop a few pounds, and Sierra and the guys all got burgers. The date was going well but there was no "spark" with Benjamin. She was however slightly interested in Sierra's date Kennedy but she wouldn't dare step on her toes like that.

After dinner, the group decided to play some pool - girls vs guys. Of course Sierra and Hannah schooled them in the game - they didn't let them know hustling was one of their hobbies back in their college days. After a fun night the girls were ready to head home and call it a night. Another night in the books but sadly no prince charming. Better luck next time Hannah.

The next morning Hannah woke up early and headed down to the local flea market to pick up some groceries and grab some coffee. She really enjoys autumn here in Camden and takes any chance she can to soak it all in. After her errands she returned home for another quiet Saturday night all alone. 

On Sunday's Hannah and Sierra always meet for breakfast at Red's Diner but this time Benjamin and Kennedy came along. Things seem to be going really well for Sierra and Kennedy and Hannah is happy for her friend but part of her is jealous because she hasn't found someone. She's got a plan in mind though - next month is the annual Halloween festival and anyone who is anyone in Arlington is in attendance. That's where she'll find her prince charming. Or is it...?

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