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Wednesday, December 29, 2021

June updates, 2022


Doyle/Taylor 1
Shannon is 24 and Sadie is 23.
Well it's officially summertime in New England and that means that all the elite scatter off to York Harbor to enjoy sun, sand, and summer romance in their vacation homes. Unfortunately for Shannon and Sadie, two young girls struggling to make it in the big city, that isn't the case. They are stuck here in downtown Arlington trying to make ends meet and between the two of them the summers can be a real bummer.

Shannon is usually up and out early on her way to work at the salon downtown. She dreams of one day opening her very one salon but can barely make rent so the idea of saving up any money is on the back burner, for now anyway. 

Her first client of the day was Mrs. Russo, a regular of hers. She has been coming to the salon for decades and one day when her regular stylist wasn't available Shannon took her on and has been her new stylist ever since. She's an easy client and a good tipper, her husband does quite well at the pizzeria. She even brought Shannon some pizza to bring home, which was a nice treat to surprise Sadie with.

Sadie is kind of fly at the seat of your pants type of gal. She's a free spirit and a little quirky. She does a lot of odd jobs to get by - which sometimes is a struggle for Shannon as she feels she needs to work harder in order to keep a roof over their heads at times. Luckily they got a great deal on the apartment they share - a young doctor owns the building and gives them a nice break in rent. 

She's your typical starving artist I guess you could say. She sings, paints, takes photographs, and has even tried her hand at acting - though that didn't go over too well. She sings at the local coffee shop and has brought on quite a following though the tips are few and far between. She's pretty much just in it for the unlimited coffee and muffins.

Shannon is really like a mother/older sister figure for Sadie even though they only have one year in age difference. Sadie grew up in foster care and has been on her own most of her life. The girls enjoy dinner together most evenings and really love living together.

Sadie is very into health and fitness and spends a lot of her spare time doing yoga in their cramped apartment. She's been trying to get Shannon into it but she has no desire to give it a try. Shopping is her cardio according to her.

Even though the city is quiet this time of year the girls still manage to get out to some of the clubs and celebrate. They both have birthdays coming up next month and wanted to celebrate before Shannon goes back to Pennsylvania to visit her family for a couple of weeks. What will Sadie do without her?

Saturday, November 27, 2021

May updates, 2022


Davis 1
Peter is 34.

Peter is a hardworking detective for the Arlington County Police Department. He was promoted three years ago and takes his job very seriously. Prior to his employment with the police department he spent several years in the Marines, serving in both Afghanistan and Iraq. He's always so busy working he rarely has time to enjoy a nice meal and usually ends up eating whatever he's managed to burn in the microwave after a long hard day.
After the divorce Peter kept mostly to himself but it's been 6 years since he and Julia went separate ways. She messed him up real bad - and now he's got serious trust issues and a fear of commitment. He doesn't want to be in that situation ever again. He heard from a friend of a friend that she's off in California, clean and sober and he's happy for her but still feels a sense of resentment for what she put him through - she almost cost him his career after-all. He finally decided it was time to get back out there and signed up for a dating website where he met Jada but things aren't going so well. She is very clingy and seems a little too immature for him - maybe the age difference is too much for him to handle. She's already brought up marriage and they've only gone out twice! He's also not fond of that brother of hers... Peter used his powers at work to look him up and he seems to have quite a RAP sheet. Guess we'll have to see how that one plays out.
 A recent case has been taking up a lot of his time - as they usually do - He's been on the case for several days without a single lead. It was as if something or someone was acting against him, predicting his every move. The officer on patrol that night was of little to no help.

Peter decided to head downtown and speak to someone who might have seen something that night. He approached one of the bartenders at Midnight Flows thinking he might know something... you know the eyes and ears of the establishment. Will, a young twenty-something bartender who didn't seem to know nothing about nothing seemed real nervous speaking with the detective. "Look man, I just make the drinks..." was all her could really get out of this guy. After a little pressure he finally nodded over to the corner where a mysterious woman stood.

It was Lila Hourvitz. She was the type of dame who knew things... the undercurrents of the city, the word on the street - and she told Detective Davis that some "big deal" package was to be delivered to the doorman at the Cryptonite club in one weeks time - but you didn't hear it from me she smirked. Some people would call her clairvoyant, but Peter was a skeptic, still he had to take her word for it since he had nothing else to go on.

Exactly one week later, he found himself downtown on a cold and blistery spring evening at was just starting to get dark. After speaking with the undercover officer he debated whether to sneak in through the club's backdoor or up the fire escape to a dimly lit window, left open despite the cold...

Sunday, November 21, 2021

April updates, 2022


Hale/Williams 1
Jordan and Christian are 28

Jordan and Christian have been roommates for almost a decade - if you can believe that. They met their first year at the University of Arlington where they lived in the same dorm, Crawford Hall. Oh the memories they have of those four years. They even pledged the same fraternity in Spring of 2012. (Go Delta Chi!) 

After graduating with a degree in criminal justice Jordan continued his education through an online program to specialize in forensic science. He has been working along side the Arlington County Police Department as a crime scene investigator. The work is challenging but rewarding - he really enjoys solving cases and helping the police apprehend criminals.

Christian also graduated with a degree in science and after graduation he also took classes online to further his education. He now holds a masters degree in computer science and mathematics. For the past four years he has been working as a project manager in the city. Although the two are both very focused on their careers they always manage to spend time together 
reminiscing about the good old days, but it seems as though their time as roommates is coming to and end.

You see, a few months back Jordan met this incredible woman, Alexis. The two hit it off immediately and have been inseparable ever since. The two make a great couple and although they have only been together for a short period of time - Jordan knows shes the one he is meant to spend the rest of his life with.

He decided to "pop" the question on a Tuesday night at the apartment. Alexis was almost in shock but she agreed right away. She can't wait to start planning her dream wedding. Flowers, a dress, bridesmaids, a venue... where to begin? The two have some serious planning to do.

Jordan loves spending his free time working out he was very athletic growing up and was even on the high school and college track team. He's always trying to convince Christian to try working out - but that's not really his thing. 

Christian hasn't always had the best track record when it comes to "the ladies" - even in his college days he spent most of his time studying or hanging out with his frat brothers. The other day when rummaging through the fridge there was such loud music playing next door. Usually he isn't one to complain but it really wasn't like Mr. Gibson to be so loud so he went next door to see what was going on.

To his surprise, it wasn't Mr. Gibson after all. In fact he almost lost his breath when this beautiful red head with bright green eyes opened the door to greet him - with a smile. Christian didn't know what to say but she introduced herself as Kaylynn and said she had just moved in about two weeks ago. I guess with everything going on he hadn't had time to notice. The two got to talking and it turns out Kaylynn's cousin also works for the same company as Christian. 

Since they both weren't busy and Jordan was out with Alexis Christian did something very out of character and invited her over to play a game of darts. His jaw almost hit the ground when she obliged. After a few rounds of darts Kaylynn headed back to her place and Christian just couldn't get her out of his mind. 

Alexis has been spending a lot of time at the apartment since the engagement. She spends the night several times a week and has begun leaving things around the apartment. Christian joked around about her kicking in for some rent. Jordan wants to start looking for houses but Alexis isn't exactly at the same stage financially and is worried about such a big purchase. They have both agreed that they want to be living together before the actual wedding, it's just a matter of figuring out where.

Thursday, October 28, 2021

March updates, 2022


Murphy 1
Emily is 19

This is Emily Murphy, a 19 year old college student who is currently taking classes online and living alone in downtown Arlington. Her parents agreed to pay her rent as long as she manages to keep her grades up while she is in college. Emily's father is a professor and wanted her to go the more traditional route and live in a dorm, go to classes in person, and experience college the "right" way. But Emily was never really interested in any of that - she prefers to be on her own.

She is a very studious young lady and didn't think it was a good idea to waste four years partying away at the University of Arlington when she could earn her degree online in half the time. You gotta give it to her - she is a logical thinker. So for now, she spends her mornings writing assignments and responding to peer response questions in order to graduate ASAP. She can't wait to get a job and not depend on her parents but for the time being she appreciates their help.

Of course, the Murphy's couldn't have Emily living totally on her own. They agreed to let her take Greyson, the family cat, with her to the new apartment. Emily loves her cat - she would adopt all the stray kitties in town if she only had the room - but I think Mr. Brown, her landlord, would have a heart attack. 

There's also another reason she wanted to move into the city. Emily is currently dating Tyler, the pair met downtown at the internet cafe one day. Emily was there studying and working on her schoolwork while Tyler was there checking out the latest video games. Sparks flew and the next thing you know the two of them were an item. 

Sean, Emily's overprotective father, tends to drop in on her from time to time. The two often head into Red's Diner for a meal once a week to catch up. Emily knows her father means well, but she can't help but worry that he'll pop over at an inappropriate time - like when Tyler is spending the night. I don't think Mr. Murphy would appreciate a failed army recruit lounging around the apartment he pays for - but what can you do?

So far she hasn't had to worry about her father barging in on the two of them, but she decided to arrange a Sunday afternoon get together with her parents so she could introduce them to Tyler. He promised to be on his best behavior.

The lunch went surprisingly well and Tyler really was a charmer with Cara (Emily's mother). He even brought her flowers! Can you believe that? He's never even given me flowers Emily proclaimed! He really must like her if he's trying to impress the parents so much.

After everyone left for the day Emily decided to get straight to work on her thesis. She really is determined to finish her degree as soon as she can. Things seem to be going along well for Emily, but I can't help but wonder - will she regret rushing through this phase of her life? 

Saturday, October 23, 2021

February updates, 2022

Booker 1 / Zimmerman 1
David and Cody are 25

Cody and David, or Dee as most people call him, met on a roommate matching service and became fast friends. They both have a lot in common so the pair spend their time playing video games, lounging around the apartment and watching football on Sundays. They share a two bedroom apartment in Arlington Heights, not the best area the city has to offer but the rent is cheap and they make due.

Dee has been struggling to keep a steady a job since he finished high school and spends his days sleeping until noon, while Cody works in construction. Lately Dee has managed to pick up some decent gigs DJing at some hot spots downtown after he his successful Halloween gig hosted by the Winthrop family. He can thank his sister Jada for that hook up.
Cody works long hours in the construction field and always hits up a local bar on his way home. His drink of choice is beer and more beer. After a long day laying down brick he needs a nice cold one to take the edge off. He also enjoys spending time working on cars and misses having a garage like he did back in Pennsylvania but living downtown there really is no need for a vehicle. He's hoping someday to get a small garage to tinker in.
Dee and his sister Jada are extremely close and they get together as much as they can. This past weekend Dee had a gig at The Hub so he invited his sister and her friends to come along and party. 
Cody also decided to tag along, it being a Friday night and all he didn't have any plans to get up early the next day so he figured why not - plus Jada's friend was really attractive. 
The club was hopping, anyone who is anyone in Arlington was there that night. Dee didn't know if it was usually that busy or if he had some effect on the crowd but either way he was thrilled to have such a great turn out. The music was pumping and people were dancing, drinks were flowing, and romance was in the air.
 Cody isn't much of a dancer, in fact he hates to dance. He even jokes that at his own wedding he'd rather have a beer pong table than a dance floor. So as soon as the group arrived to the club, straight to the bar he headed.
 Cody couldn't tell if Gabby was into him but when she asked him to join her on the dance floor he quickly obliged despite his reluctance to dance in public. The two ended up having a great time together on the dance floor it was as if no one else was in the room. 
 When the finally closed the club down, around 3 AM Cody wasn't ready for the night to end and neither was Gabby. They lingered outside the club and Cody was trying to figure out if he should call a taxi and head back to their respective places when Gabby suggested she was starving and could really go for a burger. Cody took this as a hint and the went off in search of the best burgers in town. 

Saturday, October 9, 2021

January updates, 2022

Hart 1
Kristen is 35

Kristen is a General Practitioner at Arlington Memorial Hospital, where she completed her fellowship three years ago. She really loved the New England area when she was completing medical school in Boston and decided she wanted to plant some roots here after graduation. She loves her job and saving lives, one sim at a time. 
 As a doctor, she is constantly on call and always busy with work. She's always had a vision in her head that by now, she should have been married with kids, but figures it just wasn't in the cards for her. So for now, she continues to bury herself in work and spends whatever free time she has with her girlfriends exploring what downtown Arlington has to offer. There is something else she's been doing a lot of exploring of lately, too. 
 This is Dr. Jack Connors, a coworker of Kristen. The two have been secretly getting together for almost one year - and no one at the hospital suspects a thing. They are very professional and cordial when others are around, but when the lights go out in the on-call room you can bet that Dr. Hart and Dr. Connors are up to no good. Naturally, the hospital frowns upon dating in the workplace, but more specifically this is an issue because Dr. Connors is married. He has a wife and two children that live in Middleton, a suburb about an hour outside of Arlington. 
 He says he's going to leave her, once the kids are old enough to understand. And the two of them will finally be together and start their life together. But Kristen is no fool and she knows the odds of him actually leaving his wife and kids is slim to none, but alas a girl can dream can't she? 
She never in a million years thought that she would be "the other woman" but he is so miserable with his wife, and it's only for a few more years. She hates that she has to keep this a secret because their love is one of a kind. Sometimes, it feels as if she is living a double life. But, for now, the romantic dinners in the city, the sleepovers at her place, and the extended breaks in on-call rooms will have to suffice.
 Kristen birthday was this past week so her two best girlfriends, Sarah and Victoria, treated her to some Mexican food at La Boca Grande. Margaritas, shrimp tacos, and gossip were on the menu. The girls don't get to see each other all that often because they are all so busy, Sarah is also a workaholic and is recently engaged so that takes up a lot of her time. Victoria is a Winthrop so she doesn't exactly spend her time working, but she manages to keep busy nonetheless.
Her friends are usually sick of hearing about the married doctor who is "too good to be true" that Kristen rarely brings him up anymore but Victoria did ask about Mr. Wonderful. She just wanted to see if things were still going on between the two and was disappointed to hear that yes, Kristen was still smitten with the doctor. Her friends will support her no matter what she does, but they can't help but wonder what she is thinking dating a married man?
The next morning, Kristen woke up feeling extremely sick. One too many margaritas have been known to have this effect on her, so she didn't give it much thought and just went on with her day and proceed to work. A few days later, she woke up again and had the same feeling. Something was not right, and as a doctor she knew exactly what she needed to do.
Awaiting the moment of truth, Kristen was unsure how to feel. She had always wanted to be a mother but didn't think that would become a reality. She always wanted kids but because her life was so busy, first medical school, then the fellowship, three years of working flew by. She had no idea where the time went and just put the idea of motherhood on the back burner. Then a sudden flush of emotions came over her - what about Jack? What is he going to say? What is he going to think? She didn't want to get her hopes up but she imagined their happy little family together and thought just maybe this is what they needed. This might be the way he could leave his wife and start a new family with her.
Who was she kidding? What was she thinking? What a silly, childish notion that idea was. That is not at all how it's going to go down. He will never leave his wife. As she sat there on the bathroom floor waiting for her future she couldn't help but wonder about all these different scenarios. Forget Jack, what am I going to do? 
The timer went off and she slowly reached for the test that sat upon the bathroom sink. She closed her eyes and counted to three. Open. Two pink lines. A sigh. This is something she has dreamed of her whole life, so why does it feel like such a disappointment?